Pre-Prep 1999 - 2012
The Pre-Prep had been launched in 1962 under Mrs Anne Curry, in a building on the Sandown Road. From the initial two classrooms, the school had grown to two and then three classes for each of Grade 1 and Grade 2. The buildings to accommodate these increases were added to in stages – and included a reading room, an After-care facility, extra classrooms for the second class in each grade, and the introduction of three classes in Grade R. At the start of 1999, there were 207 boys enrolled in the Pre-Prep, in nine classes, three each in each of the grades. Each year, there would be occasions to interview and meet the Grade Rs for the following year, and the Grade 2s would visit the Prep before the end of the year to meet their new Grade 3 teachers. Myrtle Boy was the Head of the Pre-Prep at this moment.
The Pre-Prep boys joined in the 150 Celebrations, and in February, there was a Fathers and Sons camp-out on the Avenue fields, an event which immediately became part of the annual programme from 2002, when it moved down to the Rossall Field. Later in the year, there was a presentation to parents of outcomes-based education from the senior subject advisor for the WCED foundation phase. The Foundation phase curriculum centred on reading, writing and mathematics. The approach was always to blend classroom-based practical hands-on experiences and outings to widen the boys’ experience of the world outside home and school.
There was a wide range of activities during the years to give effect to the curriculum: Pirates Dress-up day, Commemorative tree-planting day, and the Family Big-Walk. Chapel services were held especially for Pre-Prep, including the Christmas carol services. Outside events regularly included visits to the Planetarium, to Kirstenbosch Gardens, SANCCOB, Hout Bay Museum, the river outing, the Salt River Fire station, the Police Museum at Muizenberg, the Josephine Mills, and to Beau Soleil Music Centre for an introduction to the parts of the orchestra. Within the school, there were presentations such as from the “Hooked on Books” company, taking part in a Readathon, and the always popular Grandparents day. At the start of each year, there were social occasions for parents to meet the staff.
At the end of 2000, Myrtle Boy stepped down from the leadership of the Pre-Prep in order to return to her prime love, which was classroom teaching. Noell Andrews was appointed to fill her place. At that time, there were three classes of 22 boys in each of the Grades R, 1 and 2, with nine teachers and one Teacher’s Aide. After-care was situated in the Hall and was run by Verity Erlangsen. Prep teachers would come across to assist with Physical Education and swimming. Playball, Judo and tennis were offered, coached by external groups and paid for by parents. Brendan Fogarty pushed for Tag Rugby to replace Playball.

Over the next few years, additions and improvements were made to the buildings (a separate reading room. the OT room, the remedial room and a group teaching space) and to the curriculum by the appointment of specialized staff – Reading, Music, Art, OT, Speech Therapy, and a remedial teacher enlarged the Pre-Prep’s offering. These improvements were added because they were good in themselves, but also because the teachers began to observe boys with needs in the classrooms for which more specialized support was required. In 2002, the Art Room, the kitchenette off the staffroom and four therapy rooms were built, accommodating the OT, the reading room, the Numeracy/Maths group and a learner support group. The playground for Grades 1and 2 were developed.
The Pre-Prep was able to stage a dramatic production in the Memorial Theatre every second year, with a carol/nativity service in the alternating years, as well as a music concert at the end of each term where the music pupils and school choir were able to perform for their parents. In 2005, “Rafiki and the King” was presented; and in 2007, “Joseph and his Amazing Technicolour Dream Coat.”
The Pre-Prep started becoming more inclusive, accommodating boys with learning difficulties, and other challenges, which was good for the rest of the boys learning to recognize and adjust to diversity.

Pre-Prep staff participated regularly in the full staff conferences organized by the College, as well as workshops and presentations of direct interest for the Foundation phase, such as Emotional intelligence in the classroom, parental participation, general parenting and life skills, and barriers to learning. All Pre-Prep staff attended First Aid courses and obtained their certificates. Noell Andrews set up a regular prayer group session which several mothers supported, and the school chaplains always fitted in visits to the Pre-Prep as well.
When the College set up workshops on sensitivity training on Diversity, Pre-Prep staff joined as well, and took part in the Harmonising Bishops week, which centered on the concept of learning to value differences, particularly socio-cultural differences. Links had been established with Hyde Park Primary in the form of group exchanges between the schools. A second teachers’ Aide was appointed, and in time a Learnership scheme was introduced in Grade R, and then two more, one of whom was employed by the school when she finished her training.
Music concerts by the boys during assemblies were a regular feature of the termly calendars. Various sports events were set up, with the idea that the boys should be exposed to sports as fun, such as swimming and judo. Tag rugby coaching was provided by enthusiastic fathers. Interschool annual events in athletics, swimming, tag rugby, and later on hockey, together with judo, introduced the idea of competition to the Pre-Prep boys.
The Pre-Prep continued its packed programme of lessons and visits, settling the boys into the routines of school and allowing them access to wider experiences and understandings. Apart from the core classroom activities, extra reading classes were part of the daily routines, as were playtime and physical activities outside. School plays were put on; the “Walt Disney Jungle Book” (2009), and “A Year with Frog and Toad” (2011). Increasingly activities designed to inculcate greater social awareness and inequality were introduced and expanded, with links and interactions being formed with other schools, involving both teachers and boys. The Prep and Pre-Prep Prayer groups arranged a 6 part course called “Effective Parenting in a Defective World” led by Chip Ingrim. Teachers also went on other courses around thinking skills and cognitive development. The Pre-Prep staff developed an individual reading programme project with St Paul’s Primary school in the Bo-Kaap, providing books, grading them, and offering training to the teachers. The teachers assisted with setting up chess as an afternoon activity for the St Paul’s pupils after school.
Developments at the College filtered down to the Prep and Pre-Prep. MyBishopsLife the parents’ portal developed to allow parents to have access to their son’s school record, was launched at the Pre-Prep during 2012.

2012 marked the 50th anniversary of the start of the Pre-Prep, and a small celebration was held in the Pre-Prep rooms. 9 members of the first class of 1962 were able to be present, along with a number of the current staff from across the schools.
At the start of 2012, the Pre-Prep had nine classrooms, a small hall, 4 bathrooms, a staff room, office and therapists’ rooms. During the year plans were put in place to provide for a library, a music room and a stand-alone After-care facility.