Admin staff movements

School administration is not usually covered in school histories. It is not clear why not – is it that schools do not keep records of the nameless or low-profile people who keep the apparatus of the school in good order, or is there some snobbish notion that really it is only the teachers who constituted the ‘real’ school? During the period from 1999 to 2024, Bishops kept very full records of the many people who cooked the food, cleaned the classrooms and the dormitories,cooked the meals, kept the grounds and buildings safe, tidy and presentable, drove the buses and maintained the security of the grounds, and ensured that the IT network allowed everyone to connect to the Internet at all times.

In this section of the history, the names and positions of those who supervised, arranged, or were accountable to others for the operation of the areas they were responsible for, have been included – to recognize them and to pay tribute to all of the staff who managed and enabled the structures of the school other than the teaching.  In 1999, the list of names published under Administration included 16; in 2023, there were more than 38. This is not to say that those 16 did the work of 38, but it does show a greater sensitivity to acknowledging those who carried responsibility. And of course, the school is a more complex and interrelated set of systems now, which needs more people at key points to ensure the smooth functioning of those systems. What is certainly arguable, is that more money was being directed at the functioning of the administration and the remuneration of those who comprised it.


In 1999 Wendy van Heerden was the Principal’s Secretary, and she stayed there until she retired in 2017. Her position was now Principal’s Personal Assistant. She was replaced by Caroline Berry, who was herself followed by Shelley Windell in 2021.

When the Development Office lapsed following Jessica Setterberg’s resignation, the Principal’s Office took on the functions of carried by the Development office. The two PAs in the Development Office were transferred to the Principal.  Yolanda Raman became the Principal’s assistant, and Rosemary Wilke took on marketing under the Principal’s direction.

In 2013, Yolanda Raman was appointed to be Vernon Woods’ PA when he was moved from being Headmaster to Senior Deputy Headmaster. Rosemary was renamed Marketing Assistant, and then in 2014, Marketing and Events in her own right.  Yolanda became the secretary to the Deputy Headmasters.  In 2020, Rosemary left the school, and her place was filled by Sharlene Lawrence.

Senior Vice-principal/Deputy Principal/Vice-principals/Deputy Headmasters

In 2002, Sandy Saner was appointed as PA to the Vice-principals. She remained in this position until she retired in 2014. Yolanda Raman was appointed to be Vernon Woods’ PA in 2013. Sandy’s position was filled by Verna Leverzencie. Verna left this position to work in the IT department for a year before replacing Liz King as BSU Administrator in 2018. Yolanda Raman became PA to the Deputy Heads when Bronwyn Gabriels (who been appointed the year before as Accounts Administrator) was appointed as PA to be shared by the Business Manager and the Deputy Principal in 2017.

Prep Headmaster’s Office

In 1999, Midge Hilton Green’s secretary was  Liz Hopkins, and Ursula Gregorowski was the School Secretary. When Liz Hopkins left in 2006, she was replaced by Cathy Taylor, and in turn when Cathy emigrated, her place was filled by Alison Cunnold. Following Ursula Gregorowski, Anne Smythe held the position of Prep School secretary from 2008. After she left at the end f 2016, Kashiefa Kerven became School Secretary. Miss S Johnson became the Prep Marketing Co-ordinator.

At the Pre-Prep, Nicky van Zyl took on the role of Pre-prep secretary from 2005 until 2016, followed in 2019 by B Manyele.


The extent of the Bursar’s portfolio seemed to blossom during the past twenty-five years.  In 1999, the Bursar was responsible to the Principal for Grounds, Buildings,  Maintenance, Salaries,  Cleaning, Operations and Functions. Trevor Wenham was the Bursar, and he was assisted by Gwen Broekman who managed the salaries of staff; an assistant, Christine John; and a typist, Leilah Kadamen. Noel Greeff was the Buildings and Estate Manager. Kathryn White and Nicky Van Zyl were receptionists. In 2002, the role of Bursar was done away with: Trevor Wenham became Operations Manager, and Wally Felder was appointed Building and Estate Manager,  Noel Greeff moved across to Security following the departure of Eric Birrell. There was an Operations Manager secretary, Mrs F Palframan, who was followed in 2002 by Mrs L Visser. In 2006,  Greeff resigned in the third term, and left to take up the position of Estate Manager at Springfield. Felder left and went to Bridge House outside Franschhoek. Johan Van Zyl was appointed Estate Manager and his wife Cathy  Events Manager. The school contracted cleaning to BERCO Cleaning services, and Caroline Pekeur was appointed Cleaning Supervisor with Hayley Philander as Assistant. 

Trevor Wenham retired at the end of 2006, and Johan van Zyl became the Operations Manager, and Bill Bulgen was brought in as Estate Manager. Sean Heuvel was promoted to Workshop Co-ordinator. Anthony October took over as Estate Manager at the Prep. He retired at the end of 2009, and Stalint Galant took over that position.

Johan van Zyl left Bishops at the end of the first term of 2007, and Brad Strauss, the Accounts teacher and past Housemaster of Ogilvie moved across into Admin and became the Operations Manager, with Bill Bulgen staying on as Estate Manager. Haley Philander took over the position of Events Co-ordinator from Cathy van Zyl, and Carol Witbooi was appointed as Assistant Cleaning Supervisor. Bonnie Padiachy was promoted to the position of Functions Coordinator, responsible for all aspects of internal and external functions at Bishops.

These people stayed in office until 2012,after which there was a big shake-up.  Brad Strauss resigned, and Bill Bulgen took over Operations as well as retaining the Buildings Manager position. Grounds and Functions was filled by the appointment of Donovan Murray and Sebastian Stemmet took on Transport and Security. Sean Heuvel was appointed College Maintenance Supervisor, and Stalint Galant continued as the Prep Estate Supervisor. In May 2013, Sean King joined the staff as Business Manager;  Bill Bulgen retired on health grounds, and Jonathan Holtman was appointed to fill the role of Buildings and Operations Manager.

In 2014, the role of Development and Funding, which had been taken over by the Principal’s office after the Development Office lapsed, was picked up by Brian Robertson, appointed as Development and Funding Director. Bronwyn Gabriel was appointed as Accounts Administrator reporting to Sean King and indirectly to Mukesh Govan.

The following year, Stalint Galant left the Prep, and Jerome Wolfaardt  became the Prep Estate Supervisor.  Bonwyn Gabriels became PA to the Business Manager, and was shared with the Deputy Principal as his PA.

In 2017, Sen Heuvel moved from College Maintenance Supervisor to Projects Co-ordinator, and  Wesley Cupido took over the portfolio of College Maintenance. Sebastian Stemmet added the functions of the Risk Manager to his other responsibilities with Transport and with Security. In 2019, Jerome  October took over the Projects Co-ordinator role.


Financial Manager

In 1999 Elizabeth Redlinghuys was the Financial Manager, and when she left at the end of 2001, Mukesh Govan was appointed, and he remains in the position till now.

In 1999 Gwen Broekman was the Bursar’s secretary and Payroll clerk, handling the salaries of all staff. When Gwen left in 2001, Kathyn White was appointed as HR Secretary, and she took over this role.


In 1999 Debbie Morton was the bookkeeper, and she stayed in this position until she retired at the end of 2012. Her place was taken by Cathy Howard, who remains there.

In 1999, Charmaine Noble dealt with both Creditors and Debtors. In 2003, a new position was set up so that Creditors and Debtors could be separated. Marlene Dirk was appointed to this new post. She left the position in 2007 and Natalie Petersen moved from Receptionist to fill this position. She is still there. Charmaine Noble left in 2012, and Tania Gombard took her place.


Human Resources

In 1999  L Vermaak  held the position of HR Manager in a part time role. When she stepped down in 2001, Kathryn White was promoted from Receptionist to HR Secretary, and she took over the Payroll clerk position from Gwen Broekman. In2003,   Di Murray appointed HR Manager and she is still in this position. Kathryn married and resigned to join her husband in Somerset West. Her positon was filled Mandy Sreeth. In 2011, Many resigned to go with her husband to start a venture in Port Alfred. She was replaced by Wendy Arendse, who decided to leave after a year. Mandy Spreeth had returned to Cape Town as their venure that not work out, and she was re-appointed to the position. Sadly, she died very suddenly in 2017, and her place was filled by Cara Cato, who is still in this position.

Development Office

Arising from the discussions following the 2010 conference, and in attempt to develop more of a business capacity, Phillip Wheeler was appointed as General Manager. This arrangement only lasted a year, and then in 2005 another arrangement was put in place with the creation of the Development Office and the appointment of Jessica Setterberg as its Director. The purpose of the Development Office was to drive an on-going funding campaign, replacing the former model where fundraising was always directed towards a particular project, such as the 125 Appeal. Also in the Office was Melvin Wallace-Brown as Marketing Manager, and Linda Dinan as Communications Co-ordinator. Her role was to combine all the various databases that existed in the school and the OD Union into a single database. In 2008, two assistants were appointed; Yolanda Raman as general assistant, and Rosemary WIlkie as Marketing Assistant.

In 2009, Jessica Setterberg resigned, and the Development Office lapsed. Grant Nupen in the new redefined role as Principal took over the Development Office functions. The two assistant went to the Principal’s Ofice and Linda DInan, now called the Information Manager, went to the IT Dept. In 2016, she went down to Prep as HOD Computers, and Lael Rothenberg took over as Information Manager.

In 2013, the redesigned structure of the Principal’s Office was abandoned, and Brian Robertson appointed Development and Funding Director, and he would be working with the Bishops Trust.

2014 Trust Secretary

  1. Trust Seretary appointed – Nikki Matthews

Front Office

There were usually two assistants in the front office. In 1999, Kathryn White and Nicky Van Zyl were receptionists, and in 2001, after Kathryn became HR Secretary, Natalie Petersen was appointed as receptionist, and  Lizzie Merrington was an office assistant. Elly Hendricks replaced Natalie in 2007 and is still in place. Mouche Scheepers was appointed as Admin Office assistant in 2009 and she resigned in 2012.